If we are to personify Singapore as humans, then it
would be the most degenerative ones in the world, led by Lim Kwan Yew. The history of the country began
when they scrambled of Malaysia, proving that the country was formed on the
base of treachery, arrogance, racism and selfishness. Due to that nature, Singapore
is often paranoid with matters involving Malaysia.
This paranoia is one of the reasons they often
trespass Malaysian airspace and waters. Not that we do not know, their
agents are often around getting information and observing movements and
activities about this country. Even though Malaysia often welcome them to work
together and extends tolerance in handling both of these nations' issues such
as water supply, airspace or even the issue of "crooked bridge", but Malaysia's good
intention often ended with Singapore stabbing from behind.
Now, Singapore is even ruder when they
began to show interests in the political issues of our country. They sneaked
into activities that are carried out by the Oppositions into bringing down the
Government of the day. A few of them includes sending their representatives to
Bersih 3.0, and Himpunan Hijau and zeroes in Lynas. Their agents did not go places to become mere spectators, but they joined the demonstrations and
acted to tarnish our sovereignty and sabotaging our economic efforts.
The worst part is a few of the agents present at
these demonstration were not regular people, they are diplomats of Singapore
such as :
1. Regina LOW Kay Yin (regina_low@mfa.gov.sg),
First Secretary (Political) who actually wore the Bersih 3.0 official t-shirt
2. Philomena AW Li Fen (philomena_aw@mfa.gov.sg),
First Secretary (Political).
3. Ariel Eunice TAN Hwi Tiang
(ariel_tan@mfa.gov.sg), Deputy High Commissioner and Councillor.
For a country that claims to be a developed nation,
this uncivilised manner, disrespecting of their neighbour, truly proves the
colour of their hearts and soul.
It would come as no surprise Singapore is called
as the "Asian Jew" because of their attitude and disregards. Why
Jews were pushed out for more than 70 times around the globe, you would find
out that generally, (although not entirely) are familiar with the attitude of being
rude, arrogance and selfishness and not epitomise by "Singapore".
Lee Kwan Yew in his book "From Third World to
First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000” mentioned that Singapore's military
system was formed by Israeli troops. He wrote,"Israel's military mission
that was led by Yaakov (Jack) Elazari, as the Colonel back then, then appointed
as Brigadier General. After leaving the army, he became the Advisor for Singapore
The close relationship between Singapore and
Israel somewhat explained why Singapore is never pleased with Malaysia as an
Islamic nation that is constantly progressing as it’s neighbour.
Recently, it was leaked that Singapore would
'intervene' the process of election of this country. This is carried out
through training a few of their cadres to join the election in toppling the Government
and led by their trainees which is DAP, with the assistance of their mules; PAS
and PKR.
As a nemesis, it is not impossible Singapore
has a much bigger plan for Malaysia. Joining demonstrations and elections would
be their “Plan A”. Thus, let's not put aside the fact that they might have
drawn their “Plan B” to keep trying to rule Malaysia should “Plan A” fails.
Wikileaks had revealed how Singapore's leader
insulted and mocked almost all of world leaders via a private conversation
which was recorded. Despite it all, they were not embarrassed, humbled, nor apologised for their actions!
What is most certain, Lee Kwan Yew would be proud to claim Singapore the rudest country in the world, lined with
his troops of “Diplomats”.
It is our wishes the Government would take
preemptive measures to counter the threats of our neighbourly “Singapore the
It is hoped the Rakyat are all ears and eyes in deciding the right party
for their future and generations to come.
Choose the party conceited by Singapore and
disruptive minds, or choose the party that protects our Religion, Race and the Nation.
once met a guy, claims he's singaporean at mcdonalds opposite GH Ampang. He said, he got relatives admitted at the hospice.. and he praise Malaysian Govt. Now I'm sceptical if he really was who he said he was or just one of their agents collecting data n info?